
Recent IELTS speaking Test

Introduction What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you study? Do you like your studies? Do you have a pet? What kind of pet it is? Do many people have pets in your country? Why do people keep pets at all? Cue Card Talk about an instance when you were cheated, or somebody lied to you, or didn’t tell you the complete truth. Please say What was the situation? When and where did it take place? How did you feel about it later? Discussion Who was that person? Why do you think he/she has done it? What do people usually lie about? Why do they do it? Should children learn to be honest or not? Why? Many politicians aren’t honest, do you agree? Why do you think it is?



Recent IELTS Speaking test

# INTRODUCTION – What is your full name? – Can I see your ID? – Where are you from? – Do you work or study? – What do you do? – Where do you live now? – Why are you living there? – Do you want to make any changes in your area? Why? – Do you like tea or coffee? Why? – Do you offer tea to your visitors? # CUE_CARD Talk about a recent party that you enjoyed. Please say – Where and when was it? – How was the party? – Why did you enjoy it so much? # DISCUSSION – Do you often go to parties? – Do you think the concept of parties has changed, compared to the past? – Do people spend a lot on these parties? – Do you think it is right? – Do you think the cost of weddings is getting too high? – Do you like weddings? – Describe a festival in your country. – How do you celebrate it? – What is the biggest festival in your country? – Why is it so important? – Does it change people? How?


Let's discuss the difference between  # compound  and  # complex  sentence. 1.  Compound_Sentence In a #compound sentence, there are two  # independent  clauses. (#Independent clause means a sentence which doesn't depend on other sentence to complete its sense.) # For_Example :- Everyone was busy, so i went to the market alone. so this sentence has TWO parts:- Everyone was busy I went to the market alone. and both have complete meaning and joined by conjunction "so" This is called a #Compound sentence. The independent clauses can be joined by a coordinating conjunction i.e. for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so on..... 2.  Complex_Sentence In a #Complex sentence, there is an independent, and a dependent clause. Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy. In this sentence, Although he was wealthy, depends on other clause(he was still unhappy) , to complete its sense. this is called a #Complex sentence. Although it w


4th  # Parameter_of_Writing_Module This means a  # range_of_vocabulary  a candidate uses. A students should avoid repeating same words in task 1 and task 2. Therefore, they shouldn't use common noun, verb, adjectives, adverbs etc. look at the statement below:- More and more people are using internet nowadays. you should say:- More and More = A growing number of people = individuals, civilians, masses.... use = utilize nowadays = in the present time, Now this is your paraphrasing:-  In the present time, internet is used by a growing number of individuals. In this way, you show your range of vocabulary and correct use of different sentence structure.


3rd parameter of Writing module Grammatical range and accuracy It means your grammar should be accurate ;however, a range of sentences should also be used if you want to get good band in this parameter. You should use a combination of simple,compound and complex sentences. In the next post i will let you know the difference between compound and complex sentence.

How to write an introduction for TASK 2 IELTS

Today, i am going to tell you a simple yet scoring way to write an  # Intro   for task 2 You should include only  # THREE   # Sentences  in your introduction:- 1st  >Backgound statement  (Optional) 2n   >Paraphrasing 3rd   > Thesis Statement Let's take a statement:- Some people think that there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree? 1. #Background_statement means you can add a statement relevant to the given statement. Although it is optional, i must suggest to include it as it will make your intro impressive. > Technology plays an imperative role in education these days. or Technology is considered to be imperative in education these days. (Background statement) 2. #Paraphrasing means you need write the given statement in your own wording without changing the meaning. > Some people say = It is assumed by some individuals > It is assumed by some individuals that in modern educational

Readymade INTRODUCTION for problematic essay IELTS

It is incontrovertible that _____ play (s) a key role in_____. Therefore/ However, it is assumed by some individuals that (_____paraphrase the statement______). This essay will discuss some causes/ problems and suggest some remedial measures to eliminate this issue.  FOR EXAMPLE TOPIC:- Nowadays, people are communicating using internet. some opine that it has created some problems. what are the problems and solutions? Words to replace Nowadays -----   in the present scenario People       -----   Individuals/ Civilians /Masses Internet     -----   Social networking websites Reasons    -----   Causes/ Factors Solutions  ----- Remedial measures  Now, we will fit our words in the paragraph given above:- It is incontrovertible that in the present scenario, internet plays a key role in everyone's life and individuals are communicating using social networking websites. It is assumed by some that this trend has generated some problems. This essay wil


Imrove your speaking scores by using these IDIOMS Fed up with (tired of) :- I am fed up with his interference in my life. In the black (earning money/ to make profit) : I have worked very hard to move this account in the black. In the red (loss) : This company is in the red nowadays. Keep an eye (to monitor a situation) : Parents should keep an eye on their children's activities. Once in a blue moo n (rarely) : I go to the gym once in a blue moon.


DON'T PANIC............ Make READING your habit. You should underline new words and try to use it in your daily life. You had better read newspapers on daily basis. When you start, try to do only a single passage. Don't ever follow the rule to do many readings because only the tests of reading will not improve you instead whenever you read, try to learn as many new words (vocabulary) as you can. Read the questions first. All the question of a single passage must be read. Underline the MICRO key words because MACRO keywords will never help you getting the correct answer. Now, You need to know the difference of MICRO and MACRO keywords. Here it is:- All the students are present in the class. (text) Some students are present in the class. (question 1) All the students are intelligent . (question 2) Every student is present in the class. (question 3) Now, look at the sentences given above. In these sentences, the words like students, class are e