How to write an introduction for TASK 2 IELTS

Today, i am going to tell you a simple yet scoring way to write an #Intro for task 2
You should include only #THREE #Sentences in your introduction:-

1st  >Backgound statement (Optional)
2n   >Paraphrasing
3rd  >Thesis Statement

Let's take a statement:-
Some people think that there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?

1. #Background_statement means you can add a statement relevant to the given statement. Although it is optional, i must suggest to include it as it will make your intro impressive.
> Technology plays an imperative role in education these days. or Technology is considered to be imperative in education these days. (Background statement)

2. #Paraphrasing means you need write the given statement in your own wording without changing the meaning.
> Some people say = It is assumed by some individuals
> It is assumed by some individuals that in modern educational system, Technology will replace teachers and they have no pivotal role to play.

3. #Thesis is the #most important part of your introduction.

if your thesis statement is not clear then you will lose band for poor #Task_achievement.
They have asked you whether you #Agree or #Disagree
Answer this question
> I completely Agree/Disagree with the statement due to some reasons which are discussed below.

Now This is your #INTRO
Technology is considered to be imperative in education these days. It is assumed by some individuals that in modern educational system, technology will replace teachers and they have no pivotal role to play. I completely Agree/Disagree with the statement due to some reasons which are discussed below.


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